Important Points to start this business

In our country waste is generally classified into Wet, Dry and Ewaste. Wet is usually household waste and Biodegradable and can be converted to Compost for garden and agricultural use.
Dry consisits of paper,plastics and other items which can be reprocessed/downcycled for use in making of new products.
Ewaste is all electonic/electrical waste which need to be handled and treated in a scientific manner.

To set up a waste management business you will need to get clearance from State Environment Impact assessment authority and also permission from the State pollution control board.There are no govt subsidies as on date.

Major Factors:

- First decide the sector, you want to target like House Hold waste, E-waste, Commercial waste, Industrial waste Etc...
- Cost depends upon the scale of your office. Cost is directly related to the equipment you set up in the Unit. (Depends up on the scale)
- Location is more important criteria. surroundings plays an important role in setting up this type of business .
- Accessibility is also considered as main factor.
- Try to estimate your project & link it with the present market value. Estimate the cost & benefit which you may get, it indirectly gives a picture to set the business or not.


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