
Compost is a mixture of decayed plants and vegetable waste which is added to the soil to help plants growCompost is specially treated soil that you buy and use to grow seeds and plants in pots.

How to make compost from dry leaves:

Here’s a step-by-step procedure to compost your waste:
  • Sun-dry the leaves until there is no moisture left in them. Crush the dry leaves or turn them into powder before adding half of the total quantity to a bucket. Keep the other half aside, for later use.
  • Add a layer of the remix powder or add some cow dung to the bucket. Let the microbes in the dung or powder do their work for 8-10 days.
  • If you have used cow dung, make sure you stir the mixture once every day. This aerates the leaves and wet waste and helps in decomposition. If you are using the remix powder, you can omit the step.
  • In about 8-10 days, the mixture will start releasing some water, and that is your cue to add the remaining dry leaves, some at a time. Continue this over the next few days.
  • After two weeks, you can start adding fruit peels, vegetables skins and food remains to the compost mix.
  • When the bucket is half full, switch to a second bucket and let the first one rest. Make sure you close it with a lid. In case of the compost kit, let the bucket fill up completely before going to the second one.
  • By the time the second bucket fills up (should take about three weeks), compost will be ready in the first. Utilise it in your garden and continue with the cycle.


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