
Generating energy from waste: how it works

With world resources finite, and increasing public awareness of the harmful effects of our ‘throwaway culture’, a move towards what’s known as a circular economy seems a sensible option. In short, this means making products last longer, and recovering materials or other benefits from them when they can’t be fixed. Generating energy from waste – whether that’s electricity or heat -  that can then be used in homes and businesses is a logical part of this move towards circular thinking. How green is waste-to-energy? It’s important to place the idea of generating energy from waste in its proper context – and the waste hierarchy does this best. The waste hierarchy tool indicates an order of preference for actions to reduce and manage waste. It places energy generation (recovery) below reducing waste, re-use, and recycling and composting, meaning it’s those options that should be considered first when managing waste; but above waste disposal meaning that waste-to-energy is pr...

smart waste management

Smart Waste Management System INTRODUCTION: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept in which surrounding objects are connected through wired and wireless networks without user intervention. In the field of IoT, the objects communicate and exchange information to provide advanced intelligent services for users. This project deals with the problem of Waste management in smart cities, where the garbage collection system is not optimized. This project enables the organizations to meet their needs of smart garbage management system. This system allows the user to know the fill level of each garbage bin in a locality or city at all time, to give a cost effective and time saving route to the truck drivers. OBJECTIVES The key research objectives are as follows: • The proposed system would be able to automate the solid waste monitoring process and management of the overall collection process using IOT (Internet of Things). • The Proposed system consist of main subsystems namely Smart T...

Important Points to start this business

In our country waste is generally classified into Wet, Dry and Ewaste. Wet is usually household waste and Biodegradable and can be converted to Compost for garden and agricultural use. Dry consisits of paper,plastics and other items which can be reprocessed/downcycled for use in making of new products. Ewaste is all electonic/electrical waste which need to be handled and treated in a scientific manner. To set up a waste management business you will need to get clearance from State Environment Impact assessment authority and also permission from the State pollution control board.There are no govt subsidies as on date. Major Factors: - F irst decide the sector, you want to target like House Hold waste, E-waste, Commercial waste, Industrial waste Etc... - C ost depends upon the scale of your office. Cost is directly related to the equipment you set up in the Unit. (Depends up on the scale) - L ocation is more important criteria. surroundings plays an important role in...


Compost  is a mixture of decayed plants and vegetable waste which is added to the soil to help plants grow .  Compost  is specially treated soil that you buy and use to grow seeds and plants in pots. How to make compost from dry leaves: Here’s a step-by-step procedure to compost your waste: Sun-dry the leaves until there is no moisture left in them. Crush the dry leaves or turn them into powder before adding half of the total quantity to a bucket. Keep the other half aside, for later use. Add a layer of the remix powder or add some cow dung to the bucket. Let the microbes in the dung or powder do their work for 8-10 days. If you have used cow dung, make sure you stir the mixture once every day. This aerates the leaves and wet waste and helps in decomposition. If you are using the remix powder, you can omit the step. In about 8-10 days, the mixture will start releasing some water, and that is your cue to add the remaining dry leaves, some at a time. Continue thi...